Just fooling around with my fancy camera whose capabilities are far beyond my know-how. It's interesting how your own home can look so different through the lens...how
do the Costello's and Merrell's of this world work their magic? It's a mystery to me...
Love the result of you fooling around with your camera!
You have a donut phone!
*seething with jealousy*
What kind of camera is it? I'd like to get a new one. Ours is too big and persnickety.
lot'of cool color in you house,love it
enjoy your weekend
Ahhh yes, the donut phone, my favorite. I actually grew up with this one and after the Mister and I wed he set his sights on it. He managed to convince my parents to present us with an early inheritance. I think my mom gave it to him for his birthday one year.
The camera I use is a Canon Digital Rebel XTi, EOS, whatever that means. I have a couple of different lenses that I play with, but I am a complete amateur so I really like the camera because it is easy to use.
I loved all these images. Of course, the one with the donut phone...but I really love the bull entrance table and that turq vase on it!
i love the first picture!
oh my, I am loving the details of your home. Just lovely.
It's such a mystery to me too--I WISH I could take smashing photos like the photogs whose work we so admire!
But I love your pics---the splashes of colour around your home are fabulous!
Hi everyone, thank you for all your sweet comments!
Hey there Paula, so glad you stopped by! I loved perusing your blog, it's lovely!
A -- your house is gorgeous!
B -- that entry table should be mine.
C -- you have a GREAT eye for details. Do you know how to adjust the ISO on your camera so that it's easier to hand hold in low light?
Sorry if I'm offering unwanted/unnecessary advice!
A- Thank you! It's always a work in progress.
B- The bull table is one of my absolute favorites, couldn't part with it! I got it at a local auction and as soon as I saw it, I knew it would be mine. My husband, not so enthused, but I think it has grown on him.
C- Are you kidding me, "offering unwanted, unnecessary advice?!" Definitely wanted, absolutely necessary...I told you I was a complete novice. Really, I just turn the flash off and then search for good light. But obviously, there are lots of situations where the light is just not adequate. I know nothing about this mysterious ISO, but I've heard of it, and no, I don't know how to adjust anything on the camera. The problem I often have is low light + shaky hands = blurred result. But I hate the way the flash sucks all the life out of the image, know what I mean?
Someday, when I have some free time, cue maniacal laughter, I must take a class. And, I suppose, it wouldn't hurt to actually read the manual.
Well, you know flash sucks, so that's half the battle. And you have decent light (and cool stuff) in your house, so that's a quarter of the battle. That leaves one quarter left... time to figure out how that camera works!
If I had 5 minutes with you and your camera I could show you how to do what I'm about to say. As it is, you'll probably have to read (part of) the manual to help you out. I shoot Nikon, so some of my advice will be different for your camera.
Option A: Basically, you need to go into the camera settings mode of your camera and adjust the ISO. Higher numbers are better for low light, but they will make grainier pictures, so best to leave the number at 400 unless it's indoors or dark. Try changing it to 1600 for indoor shots and see what happens. You may have to take your camera off the Auto mode to do this. In that case, set it to the "A" mode, and set your aperture to the lowest number -- probably 4 or 4.5. The camera will automatically set the shutter speed. Ok, that was my photo 101 crash course, with no explanation of what anything actually does...
Option B: But a cheapie tripod and let the camera do its Auto thing. Walmart (gasp!) should have something suitable for $30. It might change your life :)
Keep shooting! Loving the results already!
oops, "buy" a tripod!
I will definitely keep shooting and thank you so much for the advice, Erin. I really do have to pull out my manual. I've read about the functions you mentioned, but don't really know how to adjust them, so this is soooo helpful. As for the tripod, I'm fairly certain that we actually have one, I just (a) never have the time to pre-plan and set it up and (b) since my house regularly feels like the set for "Pamplona, running of the bulls," I don't know if the tripod could withstand the stampede that is my boys. But I shall try!
You are really generous with your advice, thanks!
I don't know if generous is the word... overbearing, maybe? ;)
"Running of the bulls" - HA!!!
Had to come see your bull table, that is awesome! Why can't I ever run into crap like that here in Nashville, because we stank that's why!
Although I think Kathy already did now it's my turn.
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