How awesome are these, I know I am totally dating myself, as if the liberal use of "awesome" and "totally" did not already place me in the category of over 30! Don't you wish you had these to give to your BFF and high school crush circa late 1980's? OMG, has it really been that long?
{vintage flava valentine's notes found
Oh wow these are so neat!!!
Hey there, please sir!
Sadly, that IS what Boy George is saying to a dozen or so beefy cellmates in a UK prison right now.
Oh so easy: Culture Club, Wham, Bon Jovi, The Cure.
I'm a proud member of the over 30 club.
Oh well, Erin beat me to it, but I swear I knew the answers too :) I'm not quite in the over 30 club, but I am just this close to joining! These are fabulous indeed.
Thank you too for visiting and commenting on my blog! xx
Hi Courtney, glad you stopped by, that post was one of my favorites!
Raina's comment = so wrong it's right. As usual.
The cool under 30 club knows who they are! I'm still amazed at the things that you're able to find online. This IS your fourth baby!
Hey all you young whippersnappers, you gotta leave us old folks something to be proud of, and our "wisdom" and "knowledge" (of trashy 80s bands) may be all we have left! It's not fair that you should be so well versed in ancient history. ;)
Don't despair Erin, to them it's vintage, to us it's "original!" Although I have a hard time believing you are in the over 30 club.
Working up to 33, NKP, and lovin' every minute of it, oh yeah.
I love those--especially the Bon Jovi! It cracks me up.
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