The Man in my life is, at this very moment, upstairs in our bedroom working his bulging muscles installing hardwood floor. That is a testament to his greatness, and generosity, and complete and total selflessness. Seriously, I picked, or should I say I was blessed with, a good one. A top-notch daddy, the best husband in the world, and all around nicest guy you could ever meet, my Mr. P.
Happy Father's Day, we love you beyond words, above all else, Mr. P!
Oh thats so sweet, I have a a good one too, I think we are lucky girls!!!
we love you too max!!! happy father's day!!!!
There is the handsome Max!
I hope to meet him on my trip to Hotlanta.
He is the best!!!!
(i can't wait to see pics of the wood floors!) ;)
Max is so cute! And your boys are adorable! I hope it was a wonderful day for Mr. P.
yay for great dads! and hardwood floors :)
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