Impossible, but true. Right from the get-go he surprised us with his blond hair and hasn't stopped wowing us since. His boundless energy, effervescent personality, inimitable smile, athletic prowess, superstar dance moves never cease to amaze me. We love you little big boy and are truly blessed to watch you grow and blossom into the most astonishing human being. Happy Birthday, J!
**Take note: It's the last day to enter the aletafae pouf giveaway!**
oh man he is too cute for me to handle.
happy birthday j!
hugs from aunt jenny best.
Wait, do he and Ike share a birthday? Because Ike is TWO today!!!
Happy birthdays to our handsome baby boys... they're so adorbs they could be brothers.
You got me all teary. Sweet birthday boy. Have a wonderful birthday.
mb from Dallas
Oh, Nelya! He's such a cutie! Those eyes!! He'll be a heartbreaker I can tell. We should get our 6-year-old boys together to play!
What a doll. Happy, happy!
Nelya, he's the cutest kid ever!! Just adorable. Happy brithday, sweet Josh! Lots of love from all the Qs!
dude has serious charm. and kinda great eyes, too.
Oh my I just want to hug him! I hope it was a happy day and there is a fun party this weekend.
Thanks everyone! He's coming out of his skin he's so happy to be six!
happy birthday to a beautiful little man!xx
Oh my, the cuteness! HBD little man!
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