I know, my blogging has completely entered the realm of pathetic-ness. I have to be honest, I'm just not feelin' it these days. No excuses, it is what it is. Nonetheless, I'm still online, reveling in the amazing projects of others far more motivated, searching out gorgeous interior inspiration, and pinning up a storm. So here's a small offering I had to share, Dirty Pirate Popsicles. Oh yes, you read that correctly. Think of a delicious slushy concoction of Coke, Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, and Kahlua. Nice. Can you say, summah time.
Oh I could be so all about those pops.
I say... Mmmmm. When are you making them?
here's what i say..
make these and susie and i will come over and get drunk ...errr...eat some popsicles on your porch.
Well you're still as good as ever. Yours was a daily read a while back, but I drifted away (work pressures etc). I think once I even suggested a publisher should snap you up - what a fantastic eye you have for interiors.
Anyways, I'm back and will enjoy catching up on past posts and look forward to new ones.
Well thank you, Anon. Truly. That is one of the nicest comments I have ever received and I am genuinely flattered. Welcome back. Now who are you, you lovely person? ;0)
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