To say that this weekend was hot is the understatement of all understatements. 107 is not hot, it is deadly. And if your AC decides to go kaput on the hottest day of the year (no, make that the hottest day ever), well then, my friend, you're screwed. Needless to say it was a very long, and did I mention, HOT, weekend. In honor of the hell-ish temperatures, I present you with a little beverage that's sure to send your internal mercury downward. Strawberry Basil Sangria, anyone?

- ½ lb of fresh strawberries
- 1 apple
- 1 ounce of fresh whole basil leaves
- 1 bottle of Chardonnay
- ½ cup organic sugar
- 1 cup of club soda
- 1 cup of white grape juice
- Get the complete recipe, here.
And of course no drink is complete without the perfect receptacle. Just imagine enjoying your refreshing sangia in a frosty little tumblr. I feel cooler just looking at these modern, sexy silver-plate beauties. Snag them while they last at the MiNTY shop, here!
{sangia recipe spotted, here}
Are you serious?! Did you hang at the mall all weekend or what?
Awful! But that sangria looks delish... Mmmmmn.
Your air was out?? That's insane. It was 109 here but we had AC. That sangria looks delightful as do the receptacles!
wait..your AC was out??!!! gurrrrrl!!!!
that is insane. i hope u were able to sit it out at deduska and babushka's. at least in the pool..?
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