{just in case your looking for the gerbil in the picture, that's the product name}

Hi. I'm back. Did you miss me? My absence yesterday can be attributed to water. A whole heck-of-a-lot-a water. We are talking about water of biblical proportions. Well, not really, but water not seen in my part of the country in 100+ years. And this deluge decided my basement would be a nice safe spot to settle in for the afternoon. Thankfully my son spotted the puddles accumulating before too much damage was done and so the Big Dry Out ensued.

Hi. I'm back. Did you miss me? My absence yesterday can be attributed to water. A whole heck-of-a-lot-a water. We are talking about water of biblical proportions. Well, not really, but water not seen in my part of the country in 100+ years. And this deluge decided my basement would be a nice safe spot to settle in for the afternoon. Thankfully my son spotted the puddles accumulating before too much damage was done and so the Big Dry Out ensued.
My last 24 hours have consisted of taking turns with sweet hubby operating either the shop vac or steamer (and corralling my maniacal children who missed TWO days of school because of the severe flooding. see I told you it was a lot of rain. never in my lifetime has school been cancelled because of rain!). Who knew I was so handy! And that brings me to the subject of FLOR tiles.
When we finished our basement a few years ago, we knew we did not want wall-to-wall carpet for the very reason that if a leak occurred, carpet, pad, and plywood would go straight to the trash-o-la. We considered hardwood, but for the above reason, as well as cost, that option went out the window. We ended up acid staining much of the existing concrete and were thrilled with the results. But in some spaces we wanted a softer, more inviting surface underfoot.
FLOR carpet tiles turned out to be a perfect option. What really sold us was the fact that you could easily remove a soiled square, rinse it, air dry and put it back. And just in case my lovely children completely decimated the poor tile {nah, they'd never do that, but just in case ;0) }, only one tile would have to be replaced! However, all sounds good until you have to put the scenario into action. And I'm glad to report that the FLOR tiles have earned an A++. These suckers were sopping wet and today look as fresh and clean as the day they were installed. I was first attracted to this product by the great styling I saw in the catalogs. I'm a sucker for a pretty room. But the tiles have turned out to be not only stylish and versatile, they are easy to take care of and virtually indestructible. Thanks people at FLOR. You truly have a great product and I couldn't be more pleased.
{images via FLOR}
I'm glad things are looking up and the flooding has stopped. What a mess! But yes - those FLOR tiles rock. And what a smart choice on your part. I have a small FLOR rug in Noah's room (fun stripes) and love it because it is so cleanable. :)
Anyway. Glad to hear the waters are receding and that not much damage was done.
Oh no sweetie. I'm so sorry about all the rain. Happy to hear that the FLOR tiles rocked! I eyeing them earlier this week, but it's a bit too high for me right now. I'll put them on my one day list.
What a bummer about the flooding! But hooray for Flor! You should write them and ask if they want to buy adspace or do a giveaway. Seriously.
Oh, and the chain table returns! Awesome.
Oh, and the flor catalog has such pretties in it. I never really know if it's the flor I like or the room that it's under.
So sorry abt your flooding. Crazy. Really. Glad you have a sense of humor abt it and a look-at-the-bright-side-of-things attitude.
A basement sounds so very heavenly, aside from the flooding part.
Thank God for sunshine! I'm so glad your basement is drying out. You've sold me on Flor. I love their look, but now you've confirmed their biggest selling point.
Oh no! A few homes in our neighborhood flooded too. No good. Love the flor ties and glad they live up to the easy maintenance name. I have a few in our laundry room that I love.
Ugh! So sorry you had to deal with that.
But YAY! for superior decor.
Sorry about the flood! What a pain!
I'm glad to hear that your FLOR rug is so successful--I've always wanted to try it/them.
I love the orange chair and orange foot rack.
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