Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Four Letter Word We should All Know: HELP

Another is give. If you can.

Here is a list of charitable organizations active in Haiti.

And then go read this. It's pretty amazing, in my most humble opinion.

{perfect sentiment pictured above spotted on vi.sualize}

use this as blog signature


ticklishfromadistance said...

Thanks for the Haiti info. I was there a few years ago and it was in rough shape. I cannot even imagine now. Good links. The Mackin Ink made me boo-hoo.

karey m. said...

xoxo, you. and thanks for the mention...

i love this space.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Great post. My heart breaks for all those Haitian people. My prayers to them as well as to all those struggling to help them.