Just goes to show, when you use the simplest, most elemental materials of the highest quality, you need little else to create a masterpiece. I find these serene spaces to be transformative. They are so peaceful and create such an atmosphere of calm and yet, the rooms are stunningly beautiful in their modest dual tone palette. I wish I could live like this. Alas, I like my "stuff" far too much to attain this level of minimalism. And yet, I yearn to escape into these spaces. Hmmm...
Is it okay that I drooled a bit? Love the images so simple, but still have an impact.
I always love the simplicity and drama of black and white....and the restraint of those minimal interiors...I try to make myself feel better by quipping that they OBVIOUSLY don't have children..even though they probably do. sigh.
Hi, I'm new to your blog...but loving it already!!
So many things I like in this "Black & White" post of yours, especially as I'm trying to convince myself to stick to my gut instinct and go with a black kitchen in my project!! However I also loved your previous post - SO COLOURFUL and "maximal" as one comment described it.
And therein lies my interior dilema....I like the minimal, but know that my lifestyle only accomodates "maximal".....so worried that my interior scheme will be some hash of the two....
However, this great quote by Billy Baldwing remains with me to give me courage "Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really is ever out of style"
Big thanks for visiting my blog...I get so excited when I get left comment, such a child like feeling!!
Best wishes from Ireland,
Mrs C
Lovely like always.
The stone floors in the first couple of images totally remind me of the flooring that Alek picked for her basement in From the Right bank.
Love it.
So drarmatic and yet simple. I love it. I have white carrerra in my kitchen with dark grey cabinets and love it.
Houses like these just make me exhale deeply. They're so serene! I still wish I could live like this but it ain't likely in the near future! And hey, look at you with your fancy new post signature! It's so cute!
And hi, Camila: you're so observant - I totally missed that but you're right, it looks just like it!
Yummmy! That first kitchen is absolutely divine. The marble adds such dimension to the black and white.
Adore the photo with the blue sofa!
I'm on the hunt for a similar one for our master bedroom.
That kitchen is stunning. So austere... almost monastic. And I love it!
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