The ever-so-lovely
Kate, from
The Goodie Life, invited me to participate in her fun and eye opening series,
"What's on your nightstand?" As you might suspect by the title, it involves bloggers sharing a peek of their bedside tables and the contents thereof. Pretty racy stuff, huh. ;0) Well I was so flattered that she would ask, that I promptly got out the duster and set to work. I'd love it if you would stop by and visit and tell me what you think. See mine
And Kate, thanks so much for inviting me to play along! Oh, and while you're there, be sure to check out the previous
participants. Even
Apartment Therapy got in on the act!
Nelya, you creative soul you! How wonderful that the photos of your boys are the last things you see before you turn off the light.
Lovely medley on your nightstand.
Mine looks similar. My kiddies, books and water. Your looks so soothing and beautiful!
I love the other images of your space that the link provided.
what a great lamp! Reminds me of a tequila sunrise. lol
Would you want the truth (a haphazard pile of four magazines and three books, a clock, and two pairs of earplugs) or the stylized version (artfully-arranged reading material, a still-to-be ordered sexy clock from MoMA, the mystery perfect lamp I have yet to find, and an Amazon lily in an "important" bud vase?
P.S. Love the photos of your boys, or as I like to call them "Probable Future Son-in-Law."
Your nightstand is fab!
And mine... well, there ain't nothing on it. Ok, an awesome lamp, but that's it. Seriously.
Very nice! Orange lamp love over here too! ...and what a fun series!
mb: Thanks for everything today!
Ticklish and Raina: This is the stylized version. Come by on a regular day and the entire house is pure, unadulterated chaos. ;0)
Naomi and ModFruGal: Thanks for the lamp love, it's one of my favorites!
I'm so impressed with you! Your nightstand is fabulous. Besides your precious boys, I especially love that lamp. My nightstand is a horror show. Stacks of books, several pairs of reading glasses, a water bottle, and a huge jar of ginger-scented hand cream.
Great! First time here and love these types of insider voyeuristic posts! Will check it out...judging by your blog, sure its lovely!
Hello Sue! I'm so glad you stopped by. Welcome!
Did not expect anything else but loveliness! (Left another comment at The Goodie Life).
And a birdie told me that it is your birthday week! (Mine 2!). Happy birthday beautiful Nelya!
Very charming.
Oooh..! I love it. I'm heading over there right now, dear!
Just popped over there. Love everything about it!!!
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