Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Still not in the mood... sad that someone could do something like this and just walk away, or flee like a coward in this case....I don't usually let things get me down, I'm of the brush yourself off and move on school of thought, have little tolerance for whining, BUT I just can't wrap my mind around this one, sigh, thank God, again and again and again that these children and precious husband of mine are alive and well....but knowing this person is out there and very likely living somewhere in my neighborhood is just killing me...closure always sounded like some goofy psych babble until now, but I just can not rest until this is really resolved...we seem to be one step closer to identifying this individual and until then I think I shall trust that the universe will make things right...

forgive the random stream of back soon with regular programming (and really, and truly I understand in my heart of hearts how lucky we were to put one foot in front of the other and walk away from this wreck and for that I am eternally grateful, I'm not in the least feeling sorry for myself, just incredibly pissed off at the piece of shit that did this....)


amy turn sharp said...

so so so glad yr all OK. This is such a terrible feeling. Godspeed it all away from thought and sight. xo

mary s. said...

Oh my God. I am SO glad you're safe and SO pissed, myself!! I would be feeling just like you are right don't apologize for it. I am constantly surprised at the lack of responsibility people take for things in our society...and this is a perfect example of it.

Chin up, lady, and this will blow over soon. xo

Raina Cox said...

Completely understandable. For what it's worth, I admire your ability to see the positive.

I'd still be in full-on rage mode.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. What a thing to have happen! I'm so so so thankful that you are all safe and sound, and it makes complete sense that you would be in shock after this! and I know what you mean about being angry too. I can't imagine being the driver who caused something like this and not sticking around to make sure everyone was okay.

But mostly I'm breathing some big sighs of relief on your behalf.

mommy4 said...

I get sick when I see that Picture of your van-- I bet it scared you and the boys big time!! I don't blame you for feeling ticked off--- hopefully this coward will be brought to justice soon!!! SOOOO glad everyone is ok!!!

nelya said...

Thank you every one, Amy, Mary, Raina, Anne, and Jen!!! We are okay, safe and sound. I am furious, but that will pass, and I am still hopeful that we can figure out who this jerk was/is! The car was "totaled" yesterday, so that gives you an idea of how severe the impact was, made me physically sick to look at it, but it did save us. Thank you all for your thoughts, I sincerely appreciate your kindness!

Designers' Brew said...

I am so glad you're all OK! And I know a little bit what you mean about the anger... after my place was broken into I just felt furious at being so violated and yet so helpless to do anything about it. I hope you're able to find the pathetic piece of shit...