The driver of the other car fled the scene. We know only a very little about the description of the car, but some information has come forward and I am hopeful this person will be identified and prosecuted for their cowardly act. I hope karma is fully in force.
So tonight I hold my boys a little more tightly, love them more deeply than I ever thought possible, and thank God for blessing us with what's most important, the gift of our family.
I don't think I have exhaled since the moment I realized that that car was in fact going to hit me, and I don't know that I ever will. But I will always remember looking over my shoulder at the three precious faces staring back at me and the overwhelming relief of knowing that my little ones were safe. Whoever your loved ones are, be they of the kiddo variety or your one and only, remember how completely, totally, madly head over heels in love you are, really and truly it's all that matters.
I am so very thankful you and the boys are safe.
Sending you a BIG HUG from down under.
I am so, so sorry to hear about this. How could human beings be so callous and evil? I really hope you catch the creep and prosecute him/her to the fullest extent.
Thanks Erin, me too, me too! (as to the catch the creep part!!!!)
Thank goodness you are all ok! I want to come find the bastard who hit you!
Alexis, I'm sending you my address ASAP! You got some martial arts skillz? :0)
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