Sigh...I looked out the window and saw restraint waving at me from across the street. I just couldn't control myself, again, after strolling through the beautiful portfolio of photographer Ruy
Teixeira. Aren't these just captivating? And the variety is what really captured my attention. Each home and space is, I'm certain, as unique as its inhabitants. Which one would you most love to occupy?
Good thing we're rolling into the weekend because I fear I could sit here all day and get lost in these images. Speaking of weekends...a happy one to you all. Enjoy!
{all images via Ruy Teixeira}
Great pictures! You always find such inspirational things. Thanks!
Mercy! I'm still recovering from yesterday!
Okay, from the top: Hello Eames rocker in that lush urban garden! Everything would look like art framed in that square window. The raw concrete room with those paned windows is just calling my name and telling me to paint canvases in there Jackson Pollock-style. Black couch with exposed beams and giant plank floors - um, how much better can it get? Okay maybe, with an entirely open glass structure with yellow Eiffels and a tulip table with city views like that! And last but not least, the tufted black armchair and those gold chairs at the table with the Murano candelabra! That reminds me of my "one picture" from spring. It's so me.
Phew! Have a great weekend, n, and please go a little easier on us next week, will ya?
Will do, a., sorry for the overload...I just couldn't restrain myself. I'm glad to know I have a kindred spirit out there and that I'm not the only one for whom an amazing room can induce cardiac arrest. You make me laugh! Have a wonderful weekend!
Whoa! Love these photos! Glad you commented on my blog and I got a chance to find you!!! I am especially enamored of that aqua ceiling!!! LOVE!
oops, i forgot I was under my other alias from my writing group...
P.S. I also love the eames rocker and all the lush foliage in the first pic!
I want it all! Starting with the first image, which may be my fave. Another mouth watering post. So uplifting. xoxo g.
WAIT! These are all from ONE portfolio? I don't believe it! It can't be! Good lord they are great pictures I especially love all the ones with pools
What exquisite photographs. My fav might just be the red modern molded chair with the lantern in the background and the articulated lamp overhead. Oh... I love it when you venture into dangerous territory.
Are those plates in the ceiling?Fabulous! And the dining table with yellow chairs,adorable. Yellow in a neutral background ...sigh, just love it.
Happy weekend to you. Here's to unwinding and recharging.
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