*Raina- If The Lampshade Fits
*Susie- eye spy
*Jenny- My Favorite and My Best
*Gillian-Ticklish From a Distance
*Ally- From the Right Bank
Jealous? I can't blame you. Conjure up your greatest expectations and then multiply them a thousandfold. It was that good. They are everything you imagine them to be and so much more. Beautiful. Genuine. Kind. Funny as all get out. A little raunchy. (ok, a lot) Talented. Brilliant. I could go on, and on, and on. The hilarity that ensued has left me all at once sapped and sad that I can't do it all over again today. Like right now. Sniff, sniff.
Thanks for the memories, girls. Until next time. And no worries, what happened in Atlanta, stays in Atlanta. ;0)
For a taste of our adventures, which included shopping, eating, more shopping, drinking, and a couple of run-ins with some Top Chef hotties, check out Raina's posts here and here, and Gillian's highlights here and of course the inimitable Jenny's post here. And if you think we are camera shy, think again. Look what Susie's come up with here. Oy Vey.
{image via Everything Fabulous, just because I wish we could be starting our day in that kitchen as we map out our plan of attack on Pieces}
ugh!! i agree. we are lucky to have had that experience..please lets get to pieces soon, right after we eat at flip burger. i need to try every burger (with lettuce option please).
I'm loving the internet so much right now. I could never have imagined in a million years that blogging would lead to all this. Please let's do it again soon!
I know, I know, I KNOW!!! YES, YES YES!
how lucky!! all of you ladies!
I can't decide if we should go to Flip or to West Egg... decisions, decisions! But, let's do it. And definitely Pieces and Simply Home.
I'm so depressed today. I miss you all so much!!!
I'm now weighing patio furniture vs. another ATL trip.
I KNOW the feeling is mutual all around. And are you kidding me-patio furniture v. ATL trip? Just come asap and Susie will hook you up with some craigslist outdoor finds for nuthin' and then you can kill two birds with one stone. See, easy peasy!
Awe sorry you are experiencing Blogfest hangover, but sounds like you had a great time!!
I truly enjoyed the recaps. And I think I look at you differently now that I now you swear like a sailor ;)
PS- SO jealous of all the amazing decor stores in your area. Craziness. Philly is like a sea of bland.
I feel happy city. I am so excited to get together again. AND YET, BLUE cuz I can't play there every weekend. xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo
jealous and not ashamed to admit it...you guys are one lucky bunch...
Oooh.. I have to check it all out. What a unique experience must have been to meet all of these wonderful women that you already identify with. I would feel as if I already knew them... we kinda of do,at least a little bit, don't we?
You ladies are nuts--sounds like fun!
I just today made it to the symphony show house...my faves: the screen porch and the master bathroom. Yellow tufted potty door, oh my!
So glad you guys had so much fun..it look like an absolute blast!!!!!
That's so cool that you guys got to meet! I still wonder if people on the internet are actually real people...!!
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