I suspect you know by now exactly what's coming and I know I'll sound like a broken record, but I'm okay with that. So let's offer up a collective
ooh and
aah over that heavenly tiled floor and while I'm at it, let me note that the rest of the room is pretty marvelous as well. I imagine a sandy beach is just beyond that curtained doorway. Can I hear a hell yeah!
so very YOU...
That floor- gasp! I wish wish wish there was anywhere in my house I could put a divine floor like this- just so stunning!
Drooling. I am so happy looking at it over and over...
Oh Nelya, I hope that somewhere in your beautiful house you have tile as lovely as this floor.
mb from Dallas
hell yea.
did you notice the tile stops and then goes into a BIGGER equally awesome tile!?!?!? which means probs a courtyard and then beach. right?
I love the sofa that just goes on for miles!
Honey, you know I'm with ya on this one.
Totally swooning over the tile floor...
Hello SOM. Thanks for visiting and welcome!
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