As much as I enjoy looking at simple, spare, white interiors and even fantasizing about living that way someday, I am a color girl through and through. This home happens to meet many of my specifications. Dynamic color,
check. An architecturally interesting shell,
check. Salvaging beautiful old floors
check. Great lighting and vintage modern furnishings,
check and check.
*Take a look at the third photo, did you notice the metal "planks" retrofitted to replace the damaged wood planks? I did and I think that is brilliant!
Oh this is gorgeous. The colors in the first photo are just thrilling -- that browny eggplant, the door that looks palest pinky white. Mmmm. I'm a color girl too. I used to dream of going all white or even all taupe. But, there's no way. I just crave color.
sadly i am ruined for all interiors bc of that goddamned italian palazzo! it's superior to everything.
though i am highly appreciative of those metal floor planks.
that floor IS pretty spectacular!
I think that's a Florence Lopez house, and I love EVERYTHING she does! And of course, leave it to you to notice the floor planks, which mine eyes have always totally glossed over...
Ooh, the yellow pops are way good. And I didn't notice the metal planks - you have a good eye for detail. We've lived in our house for 4 months now and I couldn't tell you what color our guest bedroom wall is. Alas.
I'm in agreement about color. I keep thinking white walls and interiors are pretty, just not sure I could live in them. Wish my own abode had the architectural charm and history, but for now it's all about the school district. :)
Aha! If Erin is right, no wonder I'm smitten..I Love Flo Lo. That first photo makes we want to crawl up in there and never leave.
I'm sure the other pictures are nice I just couldn't seem to make it past the first one...
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