Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thanks for Sharing

I've only had a moment to explore this new to me blog, A Field Journal, so I know I've only hit the tip of the iceberg , but this one is really something special. Livy's perspective is so fresh, her images are exquisite, and she is selflessly generous with her ideas and inspirations. I can't wait to dive in and explore the rest of this beautiful blog. Oh, and her writing, as we southerners say, "ain't half bad "either. {actually, it's just as lovely as her photos}
dreamy photos from the super lovely afieldjournal.blogspot.com


Livy said...

Thanks so much for this post! I've had such a hectic, disappointing day that started with sprinting to class to turn in a paper, and then getting a B on a midterm. Anyway, I just sat down at my computer and read your comment, thanks so much for making me feel better!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful blog! I'm always on the lookout for new ones...thanks for the tip!

Those candy apple photos are positively stunning...