Have I got the perfect place for you! Nestled in the Hudson Valley in Chatham, NY this beautiful 1850s farm house is for rent. Fully furnished, the home, owned by talented photographer Laura Resen, resides on 3.5 acres of property dotted with apple and cherry trees, a vegetable and herb garden, and stands of lilac, peonies, and narcissus. Do I have your attention yet? Well, lets get down to the nitty gritty...check out the beautiful interiors.

If the home looks familiar, you might have seen some of the rooms featured here on
Head Over Heels in the past. I'm a big fan of photographer/owner
Laura Resen's work and was thrilled when wonderful reader,
Marybeth, sent me an email with these images. I was equally thrilled when Laura gave me the thumbs-up to share them with you. This place is my fall fantasy come true. Can you imagine cozying up to the wood burning stove and spending the season lazily gazing out at the amazing natural views. Well, you can. Be sure to send me photos (and I wouldn't turn down an invitation) should you become the new lucky resident.
{for inquiries, please contact
Laura Resen at: laura@lauraresen.com}
A dream come true. So lovely.
mb from Big D.
And check out Laura's photography. Knocking my socks off.
mb again.
Wasn't this house in Domino? I remember loving the star-covered ceiling in the little girl's room. As lovely today as it was then!
i remember that place from domino. i loved it then. still looks awesome.
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